My journey in a not so small nutshell.
As of November 4, 2016, I successfully sent my first three query letters. Ever. Now that I'm currently in the waiting process, I've decided to start a blog to keep my mind off of the anxiety that this time period tends to cause for most authors.
Credit: @aprilcrosebooks via Twitter
While doing massive amounts of research (and let's be honest, if nothing else, an English degree teaches you how to do proper research) prior to diving into the query process, I noticed that all of the articles were by seasoned professionals.
This makes sense. Obviously, it's best to listen to the person that's actually been through the process. However, as a newcomer to the show, I was hoping to find out how the process would differs from those with prior experience.
I decided to document my experience through the publishing process, everything from queries to self-publishing. Since both versions of the publishing process are decidedly slow (and I needed to give my beta readers a bit longer on their respective manuscripts) I recently decided to add an extra angle to the blog posts. Starting January 20, 2017, The Road to Publishing will also include posts about research, more specifically research through traveling.
Without further adieu, welcome to The Road to Publishing.